Achieving Cyber Essentials Compliance and Enhanced Security through Managed IT

In December 2022, Clyk welcomed a small but growing legal practice with 4 dedicated staff members, to our client portfolio. We are proud to support their technological needs by managing their 5 devices and providing comprehensive IT services.

The Challenge:

The director, sought to renew their Cyber Essentials certification. However, they lacked any in-house IT team or managed IT solutions, leaving them vulnerable and non-compliant. Upon learning about the security gaps, the director was understandably concerned and sought immediate assistance to achieve compliance. While this specific case study focuses on achieving Cyber Essentials compliance, Clyk's managed IT services are vital for the upkeep of the certification once acquired. These services typically encompass:

  • IT Helpdesk and Issue Resolution: Clyk provides a dedicated IT helpdesk staffed by experienced technicians who can promptly address any IT issues faced by personnel, regardless of their technical knowledge. This ensures efficient problem-solving and minimises downtime.
  • Printers/Copiers and Hardware/Software Management: Clyk takes care of managing, maintaining, patching, updating and troubleshooting devices, ,printers, copiers, and other hardware, ensuring their smooth operation.

Additionally, Clyk assists with software updates, license management, and installations, streamlining these processes.

The Solution:

Clyk implemented a comprehensive IT solution, addressing their specific needs and ensuring Cyber Essentials compliance:

  1. Assessment and Gap Analysis: Clyk assessed their IT infrastructure to identify areas that didn't meet Cyber Essentials requirements.
  2. Managed IT Services: Clyk deployed its managed IT services, encompassing:
    • Device management and security: Configuration and ongoing security management of all devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices used by the team.
    • Patching and Updates: Timely execution of software updates to address vulnerabilities and maintain compliance with Cyber Essentials standards.
    • Secure Backups and Disaster Recovery: Establishing secure data backups to safeguard critical information in case of unforeseen events.
    • Endpoint Protection: Implementing robust endpoint security solutions to protect against malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.
    • IT Helpdesk: Providing a dedicated helpdesk for prompt and efficient resolution of any IT issues faced by the team, regardless of their technical expertise.
    • Dedicated Account Manager: Dundas was assigned dedicated Clyk team members to aid in smooth onboarding and services.
  3. Cyber Essentials Guidance: Clyk's experts provided continuous support and guidance throughout the Cyber Essentials application process. We adapted to diverse needs by recognising the varying technical skills, Clyk adopted a multipronged approach:
    • User-Friendly Documentation: Clyk created clear and concise documentation straightforwardly explaining IT processes and procedures, ensuring easy comprehension for users with all levels of technical literacy.
    • Intuitive Ticketing System: Clyk implemented a user-friendly ticketing system for submitting IT helpdesk requests. This system offered clear instructions and various options to describe technical issues effectively, even for those less familiar with IT terminology.
    • Personalised Training: Clyk provided optional training sessions tailored to different user groups, addressing their specific needs and comfort levels with technology.

The Impact:

  • Successful Accreditation: They successfully achieved Cyber Essentials certification, demonstrating their commitment to robust cybersecurity.
  • Enhanced Security: Clyk's ongoing managed IT services ensure continued compliance and provide comprehensive protection against evolving cyber threats.
  • Improved Productivity: By addressing IT issues promptly and efficiently, Clyk's helpdesk minimises downtime and allows personnel to focus on their core tasks.
  • Empowered Users: The user-friendly approach, combined with optional training, empowered individuals at all technical levels to navigate IT processes and access support effectively.


"Prior to Clyk, we were unaware of the gaps in our cybersecurity. They not only helped us achieve Cyber Essentials, but their ongoing managed IT services ensure we stay protected. Clyk's expertise has been invaluable, allowing us to focus on our core business with complete confidence in our IT security." [The company director]

Key Takeaways:

This case study demonstrates Clyk's ability to:

  • Identify and address compliance gaps.
  • Deliver comprehensive managed IT solutions tailored to client needs.
  • Adapt and personalise services to cater to diverse user skill sets.
  • Proactively manage and maintain a secure and user-friendly IT environment.