Clyk Rescues Charity from IT Chaos

When a charity found itself locked out of all IT systems by former management, they turned to us. Taking on the challenge pro bono, we dedicated time to restore their operations. We swiftly reclaimed email access, secured platforms, and conducted a thorough security audit.

The Challenge:

Clyk encountered a unique and alarming situation when a new client, a charity, approached them. The previous management had left the organisation in a critical state, deliberately locking them out of all IT infrastructure, including:

  • Microsoft 365: Domain disconnected, emails inaccessible.
  • Azure AD (Microsoft Entra): Access lost, rendering multiple devices unusable.
  • Admin Console: No access, hindering control and management.
  • Data Security: Data leaks and compromise were suspected.
  • Critical Systems: Locked out of CRM, financial systems, and phone systems.

Clyk's Ethical Intervention:

Guided by their strong social responsibility, Clyk took on the challenge pro bono, dedicating months of work to address the complex situation. Our actions transcended a mere business transaction, demonstrating a genuine commitment to the well-being of the charity.

Reclaiming Control:

Clyk's strategic approach focused on immediate recovery and long-term security:

  1. Regaining Email Access: Clyk established a secondary domain, restoring email functionality and notifying stakeholders of the change. Legal intervention through Microsoft facilitated ownership transfer, ultimately regaining full access to the Microsoft 365 account.
  2. Securing Collaboration Platforms: Sharepoint access was secured by meticulously auditing and revoking unauthorised user and device access.
  3. Comprehensive Security Audit: A thorough audit encompassing devices, mobile access, Sharepoint, and Microsoft 365 accounts identified and addressed vulnerabilities.
  4. Data Recovery and Protection: A data study and access review ensured proper access control. Backups were implemented for all Microsoft 365 data, safeguarding critical information.

Beyond Recovery: Building Resilience:

Over the following months, Clyk collaborated with the charity to restore access to crucial systems like CRM, phone lines, and internet connectivity. This paved the way for a managed service agreement, ensuring ongoing support and preventing future occurrences.

Benefits Achieved:

  • Immediate restoration of critical services like email and phone communication.
  • Enhanced data security through comprehensive audits and access control measures.
  • Improved collaboration and productivity through secured access to Sharepoint.
  • Peace of mind through ongoing support and proactive security management.

Clyk's commitment to ethical responsibility and technical expertise empowered a charity in distress to rebuild, recover, and thrive. This case study exemplifies their dedication to finding solutions beyond just business interests, making a tangible positive impact on the communities they serve. The charity is now one of our valued clients entrusting us to look after their devices and infrastructure.